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F1NE-TUNE's Treasure hosts events featuring dynamic black men providing strategies to empower young black men.


Phase 1 included the Treasure Hunt Gala & Conference. The gala recognizes distinguished black men and awards scholarships to black male high school seniors. The conference equips

  1. High-school and college-aged black males with strategies for

  2. Educators, caregivers, and the community with specific methods supporting school-aged black males.


Phase 2 will launch events directly engaging high-school and college-aged black men in

  • Problem-solving,

  • Communication,

  • Critical thinking, and

  • Collaboration.

Students will network with dynamic black men in various fields participating in the sessions.


We are consistently fundraising to attain the necessary human and monetary capital to fully operate. Our signature campaign was the Treasure Hunt Gala held the day before the Treasure Hunt Conference. On Giving Day, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, we ran our Give 10 for Him campaign. Please support our efforts, for F1NE-TUNE's Treasure won't be as valuable without you!


Check out the dates of upcoming events below. 

Please give today and any other day that you want to make a difference!

"We are the ones we've been waiting on. We are the change we seek."

Barack Obama

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"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

Frederick Douglass

© 2023 by F1NE-TUNE's Treasure

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